Tuesday, January 18, 2011

New Year - back to the old...

The New Year has started - goodbye to pneumonia infested 2010 (which was a fine year otherwise)!

As I sat behind my sewing machine this weekend, I realized that I had not actually been behind my machine since October!!! How I have missed it!

My crafty plans for the new year mostly involve revisiting abandoned projects. Remember this quilt? It was intended as a gift for my husband's 40th birthday. I am now aiming to finish it during his 40th year. Ambitious? Not really, but probably more realistic.

For quality couch and new TV show time, I have pulled out another WIP. Rember these?:

I'm working on making them into this:

This project is inspired by Yvestown's crochet blanket which I have long admired. Regrettably, I bought plastic yarn (cheap acrylic). I wasn't sure that I knew how to crochet well enough to invest in nicer fiber. I regret my choice. It's just not as much fun to crochet when you are running cheap acrylic across your winter chapped hands. Blechy! Good thing the colours are enough to draw me back into the project. Perhaps these colours will help to combat the grey, dreary weather that is happening right now? Brrr.


  1. Wait a minute...I commented on this post and now it's not here! Weird!
    I think you're a patient genious to have that project on the go! Do you rip out when you make a mistake or do you just not make mistakes, missus?!!

  2. I think that it looks fantastic...really really colourful - the white is soooo good.

    chapped hands are HARD....my thumb CRACKED. In two places. cold weather, cleaning like crazy, packing.....putting a diaper on Maude is so terrible because the diaper catches all my chapped bits. Need a wax treatment or something!
